If you are having trouble submitting, please follow our general troubleshooting guide.
If the steps on that page don’t work, there may be unusual formatting within the file that you are trying to submit or the file may be corrupt. One successful workaround to the problem is to try saving and resubmitting your paper in one of the other supported file types. For example, if a paper was saved in Microsoft Word (.docx) format, try saving and resubmitting in the Portable document format (.pdf).
As an alternative, you can submit your paper by cut and paste instead of a file submission.
For guidance on our supported file types, click here.
For guidance on cut-and-paste submissions, click here.
Please note: If late submissions are allowed and you are submitting a late paper, please note that late resubmissions are never allowed. Only first submissions can be submitted late to an assignment.
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