What will you get?
This example will demonstrate how to create a production ready artifactory helm deployment. We will demonstrate the installation on a GKE cluster. All commands are given is helm3+ format.
For advanced users, please also check out our advance user guide for questions that’s not covered in this quick starter guide.
- Kubernetes 1.12+
- 3 Artifactory HA license ( One licenses per node )
- Default storageclass for dynamic PV creation
- Load balancer Resources for exposing artifactory service
- TLS certificates for your domain if you are using SSL
Source Code and Releases
Artifactory-HA charts can be found on github.
Please refer to the release notes for the default Artifactory version of each chart version and our official documents for the latest update.
Note, from chart version 107.18.6 and above, the number after chart version 107.x is the default artifactory version of that chart. So chart version 107.18.6 comes with artifactory 7.18.6.
Environment Details
In the table below we will list the environment details for the sample deployment we are going to demonstrate. You can find more information about the system resources requirements here.
Environment details
Aspect |
Detail |
Versions |
107.21.12 |
Resources |
Network |
Persistence |
Cloud file system with S3 |
Database |
Bundled Postgresql Database |
License |
3 enterprise/enterprise plus licenses are needed |
We will be deploying the release under namespace: artifactory-ha and as release-name: artifactory-ha
Steps to Install
Get the chart
Before installing JFrog helm charts, you need to add the JFrog helm repository to your helm client
$ helm repo add jfrog https://charts.jfrog.io
Now, update the repository.
$ helm repo update
Prepare Keys and Secrets
Master Key and Join Key
Artifactory will generate the following keys. However, it’s mandatory for a fresh install on the production environment or you will be using the default dummy key values. Make sure you save the key values.
Create a unique Master Key
# Create a key
export MASTER_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
echo ${MASTER_KEY}
Create a “masterkey-secret” to hold the value
$ kubectl create secret generic masterkey-secret --from-literal=master-key=${MASTER_KEY}
Create a unique Join Key
By default the chart will also set a Join Key value for you. For a production environment we highly recommend setting a unique value.
# Create a join key
export JOIN_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
echo ${JOIN_KEY}
Create a secret containing the key. The key in the secret must be named join-key
$ kubectl create secret generic joinkey-secret --from-literal=join-key=${JOIN_KEY}
Database secret
Database credentials can also be supplied with a secret.
For this release, we are installing a bundled postgresql, so we will just pass the credentials with properties
$ export POSTGRES_USERNAME=artifactory
$ export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password# Pass the value to helm
$ helm upgrade --install <myrelease> --namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} --set postgresql.postgresqlUsername=${POSTGRES_USERNAME}
We can also let the release generates a random password and retrieve it from a secret.
Tls secret
There are many ways to expose artifactory service and set up ssl connections. For this release, we will deploy the bundled nginx deployment and expose it with loadBalancer service type. We will also use nginx to terminate ssl connections and then forward traffic to artifactory service. So we will put the certificate in a tls secret first.
$ kubectl create secret tls artifactory-tls --cert=path/to/tls.cert --key=path/to/tls.key
License secret
For activating Artifactory HA, you must install appropriate licenses.
In this example, we will pass license as a secret:
1. Prepare a text file with the license(s) written in it. If writing multiple licenses (must be in the same file), it's important to put **two new lines between each license block**!
2. Create the Kubernetes secret (assuming the local license file is 'art.lic')
$ kubectl create secret generic artifactory-cluster-license -n artifactory-ha --from-file=./art.lic
# Pass the license to helm
helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha --set artifactory.license.secret=artifactory-cluster-license,artifactory.license.dataKey=art.lic
NOTE. This method is relevant for initial deployment only! Once Artifactory is deployed, you should not keep passing these parameters as the license is already persisted into Artifactory's storage (they will be ignored). Updating the license should be done via Artifactory UI or REST API after initial deployment or managed through a license bucket.
In this sample deployment, we increased the minimum cpu and memory request to 2cpu and 4G memory with an upper limit of 6cpu and 8G memory for each artifactory node. We also increased Jvm memory to 4g xms and 6g xmx. For detailed system resources recommendation, please refer to here .
The default properties that artifactor use may not be fully utilizing the available system resources. If you find artifactory underperformed with enough physical resources please check out the tuning section in the glossary.
Scalability is controlled by artifactory.node.replicaCount. We kept the default value 2, which results in a 3 node cluster.
You can test the properties with the following dry-run installation:$ helm install artifactory-ha \
We will add the properties above to a values.yaml.
--set artifactory.primary.resources.requests.cpu="2" \
--set artifactory.primary.resources.limits.cpu="6" \
--set artifactory.primary.resources.requests.memory="4Gi" \
--set artifactory.primary.resources.limits.memory="8Gi" \
--set artifactory.primary.javaOpts.xms="4g" \
--set artifactory.primary.javaOpts.xmx="6g" \
--set artifactory.node.resources.requests.cpu="2" \
--set artifactory.node.resources.limits.cpu="6" \
--set artifactory.node.resources.requests.memory="4Gi" \
--set artifactory.node.resources.limits.memory="8Gi" \
--set artifactory.node.javaOpts.xms="4g" \
--set artifactory.node.javaOpts.xmx="6g" \
--set artifactory.node.replicaCount=2\
--namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.21.12 --dry-runartifactory:
memory: "4Gi"
cpu: "2"
memory: "8Gi"
cpu: "6"
xms: "4g"
xmx: "6g"
replicaCount: 2
memory: "4Gi"
cpu: "2"
memory: "8Gi"
cpu: "6"
xms: "4g"
xmx: "6g"
Default installation will dynamically provision PVC for each artifactory pod. For Artifactory HA the filestore will share the storage among the local data folder on each node.
In this example, we will be configuring cloud s3 storage with explicit credentials. You may also checkout the filestore provider documents for all other options.
$ helm install artifactory-ha \
We will add the properties above to a values.yaml
--set artifactory.persistence.type=aws-s3-v3 \
--set artifactory.persistence.awsS3V3.identity=yourIdentity\
--set artifactory.persistence.awsS3V3.credential=yourIdentity\
--set artifactory.persistence.awsS3V3.region=usw2\
--set artifactory.persistence.awsS3V3.bucketName=artifactory-aws \
--set artifactory.persistence.awsS3V3.path=artifactory/filestore\
--set artifactory.persistence.awsS3.endpoint=AWS_S3_ENDPOINT \
--namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.21.12 --dry-runartifactory:
type: aws-s3-v3
identity: yourIdentity
credential: yourIdentity
region: usw2
bucketName: artifactory-aws
path: artifactory/filestore
Default deployment will install a bundled postgresql database. For production, we suggested using an external postgresql database. In this example, we will be deploying with a bundled postgresql database. For other database choice, please refer to the external database documentation.$ helm install artifactory-ha \
--set postgresql.enabled=true \
--set postgresql.postgresqlUsername=artifactory \
--set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=password \
--set postgresql.postgresqlDatabase=artifactory\
--set postgresql.postgresqlExtendedConf.maxConnections=1000\
--namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.21.12 --dry-run
For external database settings, please refer to the external database setting link at the end of this instruction.
We will add the properties above to a values.yaml postgresql:
enabled: true
postgresqlUsername: artifactory
postgresqlPassword: password
postgresqlDatabase: artifactory
maxConnections: 1000
For this example we expose artifactory service with an nginx deployment and an Load Balancer service.
There are many ways to terminate ssl on kubernetes including ingress, L7 load balancing. For this release, because we will be deploying on GKE with loadBalancer type, GKE will allocate the LB for us. However, since the load balancer is a layer-4 loadBalancer only, thus we will not be terminating the ssl on LB but on our nginx deployment. $ helm install artifactory-ha \
We will add the properties above to a values.yaml
--set nginx.enabled=false \
--set nginx.tlsSecretName=artifactory-tls \
--set nginx.replicaCount: 2 \
--set nginx.resources.requests.cpu="100m" \
--set nginx.resources.limits.cpu="250m" \
--set nginx.resources.requests.memory="250Mi" \
--set nginx.resources.limits.memory="500Mi" \
--namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.21.12 --dry-runnginx:
enabled: true
tlsSecretName: artifactory-tls
replicaCount: 2
cpu: 100m
memory: 250Mi
cpu: 250m
memory: 500Mi
Install your releases:
Now that we have all the properties in place, we are ready to deploy
Here are all the env variables we will be passing to chart:
$ env
Here is the final values.yaml file:
joinKeySecretName: joinkey-secret
masterKeySecretName: masterkey-secret
type: aws-s3-v3
identity: yourIdentity
credential: yourIdentity
region: usw2
bucketName: artifactory-aws
path: artifactory/filestore
memory: "4Gi"
cpu: "2"
memory: "8Gi"
cpu: "6"
xms: "4g"
xmx: "6g"
replicaCount: 2
memory: "4Gi"
cpu: "2"
memory: "8Gi"
cpu: "6"
xms: "4g"
xmx: "6g"
enabled: true
postgresqlUsername: artifactory
postgresqlPassword: password
postgresqlDatabase: artifactory
maxConnections: 1000
enabled: true
tlsSecretName: artifactory-tls
replicaCount: 2
cpu: 100m
memory: 250Mi
cpu: 250m
memory: 500Mi
Let’s Go:
$ helm install artifactory-ha \
--set artifactory.license.secret=artifactory-cluster-license \
--set artifactory.license.dataKey=art.lic \
--set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} \
--set postgresql.postgresqlUsername=${POSTGRES_USERNAME} \
-f values.yaml \
--namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.21.12
Deleting Installation
If you ever need to delete the current release, you can do
helm delete artifactory-ha --namespace artifactory-ha
However, this will not remove any persistent volumes. You need to explicitly remove the pvc if you intend for a fresh start.
kubectl delete pvc -l release=artifactory-ha -n artifactory-ha
kubectl delete pvc -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=artifactory-ha -n artifactory-ha
Upgrade Artifactory
It’s recommended to pass all the values in the previous release explicitly when running the upgrade command. This is to avoid falling back to any default values. Pay extreme attention to the secret you created, as failing to reference those in an upgrade action could result in new different values generated and breaking artifactory. It'd be difficult to recover from such a case.
Updates minor version or updating values.yaml
For regular upgrade command when you just want to upgrade values:helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha \
--set databaseUpgradeReady=true \
--set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} \
--set postgresql.postgresqlUsername=${POSTGRES_USERNAME} \
-f values-new.yaml \
--namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.21.12
If you want to upgrade the artifactory version but the version does not come default with the current chart version. Note that you must always pass the version explicitly after doing this to avoid falling back to an old version:
helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha \
--set databaseUpgradeReady=true \
--set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} \
--set postgresql.postgresqlUsername=${POSTGRES_USERNAME} \
--set global.versions.artifactory= 7.21.13\
-f values.yaml \
--namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.21.12
Updates chart version:
helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha \
--set databaseUpgradeReady=true \
--set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} \
--set postgresql.postgresqlUsername=${POSTGRES_USERNAME} \
-f values.yaml \
--namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --version 107.24.3
Always check upgrade_notes first for any major version jump.
It’s recommended to upgrade the chart version when you are upgrading Artifactory to a version that comes default to a new chart version.
1. We are no longer passing in license information as this is an upgrade.
2. databaseUpgradeReady flag is only needed when you are using a bundled postgresql chart. This is to force you to take cautions and check if any unwanted property change is introduced to the bundled database. Consider using the –dry-run option to check if there’s any unexpected change introduced to the bundled postgresql db.
3. If you are upgrading from a chart version (< 4.x.x) that has postgresql.image.tag of 9.x or 10.x or 12.x, make sure to pass the current postgresql.image.tag and set databaseUpgradeReady=true
To begin working with the product, you can utilize the guides below:
QuickStart Guide: JFrog Self-Hosted
QuickStart Guide: Go
QuickStart Guide: Maven and Gradle
QuickStart Guide: npm
– Tuning Artifactory – https://jfrog.com/knowledge-base/how-do-i-tune-artifactory-for-heavy-loads/
– System Requirements: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/System+Requirements
– Filestore – https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Configuring+the+Filestore
– External Database – https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Configuring+the+Database
– Chart Source Code – https://github.com/jfrog/charts/tree/master/stable/artifactory-ha
– Official Artifactory Helm documents – https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Installing+Artifactory#InstallingArtifactory-HelmHAInstallation
– Helm charts for Advanced users – https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Helm+Charts+for+Advanced+Users
– Kubernetes Load Balancer Service –
– Kubernetes Default Storage Class –
– Kubernetes dynamic provision PV –https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/dynamic-provisioning/
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